Halving the price of prosthetics

Hélice is an innovative financial engineering based on Blockchain (Ethereum) that aims to halve the price of high-tech prosthetics and artificial organs.
These technologies include retinal implants, prosthetic arms, neuroprosthetics, artificial hearts, exoskeletons etc.
We are frustrated by the exorbitant prices of these technologies ( ≈$100,000) and the slow pace of development in these fields.
The highly personalized nature of these devices complicates mass production, driving up prices.
Furthermore, biotechs struggle to advance innovation, as it can take them up to 10 years to generate revenue, resulting in low investments in this sector.
This is where Hélice’s engineering comes into play. Firstly, by breaking the vicious cycle through halving prices, and secondly, by generating a capital influx to accelerate the development of these technologies within our future laboratory
SMART CONTRACT ADRESS : 0xFFEDD2c3c4517b69Aa3949ec4C3A78D920043997
How is the Halving accomplished ?*


Some of our Partners....
Team & Advisors
Héloïse (Alias Sarah Connor) | Founder -
LEARN MOREGraduated with a Master’s degree from the University of Lyon.
Initially passionate about crowdfunding, she wrote her master’s thesis on alternative funding for universities and educational institutions, which led her to take an interest in cryptocurrency.
She has worked for several years in medical and paramedical schools, which allowed her to build her first connections with healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists. This led her to be frequently in contact with rehabilitation centers, especially with individuals using prosthetics. She was able to identify numerous problems in this sector.
She developed the Helice model in 2019 and dreams of creating a change equivalent to Fordism in the field of prosthetics.
Héloïse speaks French, English, and advanced Spanish. -
Anton Sindali | Doctor of Medicine -Advisor
LEARN MOREDoctor of Medicine thesis (hepatic surgery).
Diplomas of 3rd cycles of university studies in Marseille (Aix- Marseille II): Qualified in General Surgery, University Diploma in Anaesthesia – Intensive Care, University Diploma in Pathological Anatomy, University Diploma in Abdominal Ultrasound, University Diploma in Digestive Endoscopy.
Diplomas of 3rd cycles of university studies in Paris (Paris XI): University Diploma in Laparoscopic Abdominal Surgery (Paris School of Surgery, Kremlin-Bicètre), University Diploma in Clinical Oncology Villejuif (IGR). -
Denis Chriqui | Ph.D in Economics - Advisor
LEARN MOREEconomist and former professional trader. After a Ph.D in economics from the University of Montpellier and training at the Wharton School, Denis was for more than 16 years a business buyer, professor of economics, specialist and researcher in behavioral finance, trainer in technical analysis and director of an import-export company. He worked as a professional trader in New York at Herzog Heine Geduld (Merrill Lynch) and E Trade for more than 6 years as an arbitrageur-strategist on derivatives, then in portfolio management and front office manager. Since 2004, Denis has been devoting himself to his vocation for teaching and proprietary trading.
Bernard Verrier | Ph.D in Biology - Advisor
LEARN MOREDirector of the “Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering” department at the IBCP (CNRS & University of Lyon).
Born in France in 1957 and trained as a chemist, before getting a phD in molecular virology in 1985 and post-doctorated for three years at the EMBL, Germany, in retroviral oncology. Then, he moved to Lyon (France) to study human retrovirology, designing HIV vaccine candidates, either therapeutic, using tat,rev or nef regulatory proteins or prophylactic, with gp140 constructs, through a permanent position at CNRS. Director of research from CNRS since 2004, he was head of a joint unit between CNRS and bioMerieux, dedicated to HIV and HCV therapeutic vaccines.
Thomas P. I Princeton Ph.D. in Financial Engineering - Advisor
Princeton University, USA Sept. 2014 – January 2020 PhD, Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE) Department
École normale supérieure, Cachan, France Sept. 2013 M.S. in Machine Learning and Computer Vision (MVA), Department of Mathematics
Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France Sept. 2012 M.S. in Probability and Statistics, Department of Mathematics
École normale supérieure, Cachan, France Sept. 2011 B.S in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics
Thierry Monmasson| Ph.D In Pharmaceutical Sciences - Advisor
LEARN MORE1993: Pharmacist Diploma: six-year university degree in industrial pharmacy with honors at the University of Pharmacy of Marseille. 1998: Master degree in Sciences, speciality Biochemistry and genetics at the University of medecine of Marseille. 1999: Diplôme d’études approfondies: one-year degree before postgraduate studies in cellular and molecular biology at the University of medecine of Marseille.
RESEARCH : Study of chaperone proteins and thyroid hormonegenesis, contribution to the study of the action of the disulfide isomerase protein in the thyroglobulin metabolism. -
Olivier Rousselle | Ph.D In Quantum Physics - Advisor
LEARN MOREPassionate by science and by the universe, Olivier has obtained a PhD in quantum physics at Sorbonne Université in 2022. He has dealt with different research topics until now: particle physics and software development at CERN; foundations of quantum physics at ENS; modeling and statistics at CNRS; biology and environmental studies at AgroParisTech. Moreover, he is passionate about the crypto / blockchain ecosystem, and he is currently involved in the development of efficient crypto algorithmic bots.
Curriculum : PhD in Physics at Sorbonne Université (2019-2022).
Master in Theoretical Physics at Aix-Marseille Université (2018-2019).
Engineer School AgroParisTech (2013-2017).
Florian | Ph.D in Law - Advisor
LEARN MORE2007-2010 : Law degree (University of Toulon)
2010-2011 : Master of Law, Mention public law and private law (University of Toulon)
2011-2012 : Master of Notarial Law (University of Toulon).
2012-2016 : PhD in public law on “Taxation of non -resident foreigners in France”, very honorable mention (University of Toulon).
Jérôme Sohier| Ph.D in Biomedical engineering - Advisor
LEARN MOREResearcher at the « Tissue Biology and Therapeutic Engineering » department at the IBCP (CNRS & University of Lyon).
Born in France in 1976 and trained as a polymer chemist, Dr. Sohier was a junior researcher in the first European tissue engineering company (IsoTis) prior to obtaining a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering from the university of Twente (Netherlands) in 2006. He then continued his studies and developments of regenerative medicine strategies in post-doctoral appointments in Nantes (Lab. of osteoarticular and dental engineering INSERM) and London (Imperial College, National Heart and Lung Institute). He has a strong interest in translating his research to patients needs and had the opportunity of participating in the creation of a startup company dedicated to bone repair, based on an innovative technology that he invented. Since 2012, he is a permanent researcher in Lyon, where he continues to develop translatable approaches to repair and regenerate various tissues, for which there are no therapeutic alternatives.
Jaime | Ph.D in Economics - Advisor
Adrien Marchand| MSc In International Finance - Advisor
Marketing executive, legal writer and researcher for a leading law firm in the web3 and FinTech spaces. Former experiences include:
- Head of community of a SocialFi web3 project,
- In-house copywriter for a NFT GameFi project featured in the 2022 Los Angeles Comic Con,
- AML-CFT and regulatory compliance officer for a crypto exchange platform,
- Investment banker in Paris La Défense,
- Freelance copywriting for various NFT projects, personal finance media and crypto outlets.
Adrien also speaks English and Russian fluently.
Mickaël | MSc Financial Markets and Investments & Master in Management - Advisor
Passionate about finance, economics and geopolitics, Mickael graduated with a double degree in Finance and Management.
Since 2018, he developed his expertise in the investment management and advisory industry through his international experiences in Asset Management and Wealth Management among global industry top players.
Mickael is currently the Head of Sales in a world leading Private Bank.
His interest in the blockchain ecosystem as well as his exposure to cryptocurrency investments led him to become an Advisor at Hélice.
William I Master in International Management - Advisor
Seasoned expert in digital asset management, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Finance from ASSAS Paris-II and a Master’s from NEOMA Business School. He has over three years of hands-on experience in managing private cryptocurrency funds and day trading. His familiarity with DeFi and Web 3 protocols, coupled with his strong background in economics and finance, has been instrumental in his strategic approach to investment.
Florian Reinhart I Ph.D in Neurosciences - Advisor
LEARN MOREBachelor’s degree – Biochemistry 2007-2010
Aix-Marseille UniversityMaster’s degree – Neurosciences 2010 -2012
Aix-Marseille UniversityDoctor of Philosophy
Ph.D Neurosciences – Neurophysiopathology – Medical devices
2012-2016Grenoble Alpes University
Research topic: Near-infrared illumination in Parkinson’s
Zackary | Marketing Advisor
And that’s not all !
Hélice works closely with over a dozen other experts, including scientists, researchers, economists, traders, physicists, engineers, lawyers, and more….
Proudly helping Patients
X Handle : Helice_H

Investing in cryptocurrency involves significant risks and can be highly volatile, with the potential for the complete loss of your capital. Helice is a utility token and does not offer any investment opportunities. Our goal is to bring together biotechnology enthusiasts who are passionate about advancing the sector and driving innovation.